Here are collected some personal notes on Doctor Who that I’ve created for myself and for friends. If you find it useful then that’s great, if not, remember these are just my opinions.
Useful Links
- The Doctor Who Site is a fan site that provides tremendous details on background and episodes.
- This great, simple Episode Guide from them that lets you see what the story is about easily.
- The Tardis Wiki is the most extensive, and up to date, fan run resource on Doctor Who facts. Obviously, beware of spoilers!
Other People’s Episode Lists
- The River Song timeline - this is an example of someone giving an alternate view of the episodes, in this case from the point of view of River Song in her time order. This is quite spoilery, so don’t look at it unless you want to see that. I think it’s more fun to have the mystery of who she is to the Doctor by watching the River-Song-Arc episodes in the order they were originally shown.
- Other Theme based story lists -